custom movie props and customized nerf guns


Ultimate Custom Nerf Collection?

For now it might be. 🙂Image.


Cold steel! Lanard X8 Custom


This is a custom Lanard for a friend of mine, Frank. He wanted a bit darker metal for this piece and although it’s not done, I think it’s getting there. The grip is going to be a bit different as well – that always happens when I find new colors to use 🙂


Pulse Rifle themed Longshot


Here she is with a test fitting. There’s still more to be painted, but this should give an idea of what it’s going to look like for the most part. Hope you guys like how it’s coming along!


Lanard Steam-powered Revolver update photo


Added some paint and installed some of the extra parts and brass tubing to test the fitting. It is getting there! Stay tuned..


Building some steam…


So I had some parts sitting about and I decided to see if I could make a steam tank. This was just a fitting, but it’s looking just the way I envisioned it 🙂 I think it will really be difficult to recognize this as a foam dart gun, when it’s complete. Thanks for having a look and feel free to subscribe for more stuff like this!


Another little squirt gun


I thought this was coming along nicely. I’m digging that blue!


A quick sketch


Input appreciated, just know its rough and will be cleaned up before a prototype would be made. Thanks!


Pick your poision!


Sorry it’s a bad nighttime iphone photo, but they looked cool all sitting together 🙂 Yes, the Liquid Plasma rifle is still not done, but it was there and looked appropriate with the others! Hope you enjoy the shot!

New YouTube Channel!

Ok, so I’ll finally be doing new videos for YouTube ! Please subscribe if you’d like to get the new ones sent to your door! 🙂


The Sky Captain’s Sidearm


Just finished up on this maverick tonight (except for cleaning up the base of the grip!) and wanted to see what you guys thought of the colors. Thanks for taking a look and I’ll have the DSLR photos up tomorrow!